esthetician specialist Today I wanted to talk to you about what it takes to become a licensed esthetician. So, if you’re passionate about beauty and you’re good with your hands and you’re great with people you might want to thing about a career in aesthetics and skincare. Now, an esthetician is someone who does services like facials and waxing and body wraps, extractions. Some also do microdermabrasion or have elements massaged but the point is that they’re a beauty professional who specializes in skincare. Now, there are also estheticians that work in medical settings but they’re not actually medical professionals. They can help medical patients with skin care needs.

If you go to cosmetology school, a lot of them in their comprehensive program will touch in aesthetics and skincare but if you really want to be a licensed esthetician you might want to look for a school that as an aesthetics and skincare specific program or there are even schools that are totally dedicated to aesthetics and skincare. Now, the number of hours that takes to become a licensed esthetician also varies from state to state. It could take as few as 125 hours or as many as 1500 hours, depending on your state. But the average across the United States is 600. To complete esthetician school, if you’re going full-time, it could take 3-6 months, depending on your area and how many hours you’re required. Or some, if you’re going part-time, could take 9 months to 12 months, to more.

And the next step for you is to request information from the ones that seem like a good fit and then their admissions reps will call and give you the answers to any questions you have. So, I hope I answered all your questions about becoming an esthetician, hopefully it give you more information.